The diversity of sexuality is celebrated in La Mancha with a talk and discussion at the casino. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The diversity of sexuality is celebrated in La Mancha with a talk and discussion at the casino.

On Friday, June 21, the Casino de La Mancha was the setting for an emotional talk-discussion about sexual diversity, an event framed within the programming of the LGTBIQA+ Pride Day. Under the slogan “Human rights are not up for discussion,” the event became a space for consensus and reflection, where first-hand experiences were shared that bring visibility to diversity and promote equality.

The day included the prominent presence of the Councilor for Equality, Aitor Galleto de la Sacristana, the Councilor for Social Welfare, Conchi Rodríguez Palancas, and the Councilor for Rural Development, María Eugenia Díaz Pacheco. In addition, members of the Plural LGTBI+ association actively participated, contributing their valuable testimonies and perspectives.

A Space for Dialogue and Inclusion

The talk-discussion was an inclusive space open to dialogue, where various issues related to sexual diversity and human rights were discussed. Attendees had the opportunity to hear personal stories that illustrated the challenges and achievements of the LGTBIQA+ community in La Mancha.

Inspiring Testimonies

First-hand testimonies were at the heart of the event. These stories not only highlighted the difficulties faced by LGTBIQA+ individuals in their daily lives but also emphasized the importance of acceptance and social support. The speakers shared their experiences with sincerity and courage, inspiring the audience to continue advocating for a more just and equitable society.

Municipal Commitment to Equality

The participation of councilors in the event underscored the municipality’s commitment to equality and diversity. Aitor Galleto de la Sacristana, Councilor for Equality, expressed satisfaction with the celebration of such activities and reaffirmed the municipality’s commitment to promoting inclusive policies. Conchi Rodríguez Palancas and María Eugenia Díaz Pacheco also emphasized the importance of working together to build a more respectful and welcoming community for all.

Plural LGTBI+ Association: A Fundamental Voice

The Plural LGTBI+ association played a crucial role in organizing the event, providing their experience and knowledge to enrich the discussion. The members of the association highlighted the importance of creating safe spaces where LGTBIQA+ individuals can share their stories and find support.

A Day of Reflection and Celebration

The event at the Casino de La Mancha was not only a day of reflection and learning but also a celebration. Sexual diversity was recognized and valued, and the local community’s commitment to defending human rights was reaffirmed.

With initiatives like these, La Mancha demonstrates its strong will to move towards a more inclusive and respectful society, where all individuals can live freely and without fear of discrimination.

Spanish post in La Mancha celebra la diversidad sexual con una charla-coloquio en el Casino

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