News - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain


Herencia renews its commitment to Caritas to strengthen social integration.

Herencia has reaffirmed its support for the Diocesan Caritas of Ciudad Real through the renewal of an annual agreement, highlighting the common goal of improving the social integration of people in vulnerable situations in the municipality. This agreement was formalized in the presence of the mayor, Sergio García-Navas, and the councilor for Social Welfare, Conchi Rodríguez-Palancas. This agreement, which includes

Herencia receives an economic boost for the construction of a car wash and the remodeling of a beauty center.

Herencia has received significant financial support for two key business projects, thanks to the contribution of Mancha Norte: Desarrollo e Innovación. The local action group has provided 90,000 euros for the construction of a modern laundry facility and for the remodeling of a beauty salon and hairdressing center. The formalization of the contracts, totaling 93,324.42 euros, took place this morning.

Inheritance promotes entrepreneurship and female leadership in its 4th Business Conference.

In front of a packed auditorium of young students and entrepreneurs, Herencia has inaugurated the IV Business Conference, marking the beginning of a day dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in the local area. On the morning of Friday, November 10, high school students from Herencia and Madridejos had the opportunity to hear and learn from the experiences of prominent

Female Leadership and Sustainability in Focus

Female leadership and sustainability will be the protagonists of the IV edition of the Business Days, which will take place on Friday, November 10th at the Municipal Auditorium of Herencia. These conferences, organized by the City Council in conjunction with the Local Council for Economic Promotion and Innovation, are aligned with the 2030 Agenda, addressing crucial challenges for the future

Quesera Herenciana Cofer shines at the World Cheese Awards with four bronze medals.

In the 35th edition of the prestigious World Cheese Awards competition, held this year in Trondheim, Norway, Quesera Herenciana Cofer has won four bronze medals, reaffirming its position as one of the best cheese producers worldwide. The World Cheese Awards, which brought together 4,502 cheeses from all over the world in this edition, is recognized as the most prestigious competition

The emblematic Mulberry Tree of the Water Wells in Herencia is suffering the ravages of rain.

Although rain is essential for life and ecosystem balance, it occasionally brings unwanted consequences. This past weekend, Herencia witnessed how severe weather can affect its emblematic corners. After a storm accompanied by intense winds, the historic Morera tree in the Pozos del Agua area has suffered visible damage, awakening nostalgia and concern within the community. This tree, with roots deeply

In English, it translates to: “Herencia dresses in green in commemoration of the International Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Day.”

Today is a significant date in Herencia, where the iconic windmills will be illuminated in green in honor of International Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Day, with the intention of shedding light and raising awareness about this rare disease that affects many people worldwide. In this special commemoration, the Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Association has organized the sports event “Run Like Hero,” which has chosen

Inheritance is getting ready for the X Agriculture and Livestock Conference.

From October 24th to 27th, the town of Herencia will become the epicenter of agriculture and livestock, celebrating the tenth edition of the Agriculture and Livestock Conference, an event that has established itself as an undisputed reference for the agri-food sector. These conferences are the result of the joint work of the Rural Development Department and the Local Agricultural Council,

Repairs are being carried out on 17 kilometers of roads in the municipality of Herencia.

The municipality of Herencia is in the process of improving its rural roads, thanks to a new Maintenance and Repair Plan that has recently been implemented. This initiative is the result of collaboration between the Herencia City Council and the Comsermancha Consortium, the latter being responsible for providing the essential machinery for these reforms. More than 17 kilometers of roads

Herencia renews its commitment to Caritas to strengthen social integration.

Herencia has reaffirmed its support for the Diocesan Caritas of Ciudad Real through the renewal of an annual agreement, highlighting the common goal of improving the social integration of people in vulnerable situations in the municipality. This agreement was formalized in the presence of the mayor, Sergio García-Navas, and the councilor for Social Welfare, Conchi Rodríguez-Palancas. This agreement, which includes

Herencia receives an economic boost for the construction of a car wash and the remodeling of a beauty center.

Herencia has received significant financial support for two key business projects, thanks to the contribution of Mancha Norte: Desarrollo e Innovación. The local action group has provided 90,000 euros for the construction of a modern laundry facility and for the remodeling of a beauty salon and hairdressing center. The formalization of the contracts, totaling 93,324.42 euros, took place this morning.

Inheritance promotes entrepreneurship and female leadership in its 4th Business Conference.

In front of a packed auditorium of young students and entrepreneurs, Herencia has inaugurated the IV Business Conference, marking the beginning of a day dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in the local area. On the morning of Friday, November 10, high school students from Herencia and Madridejos had the opportunity to hear and learn from the experiences of prominent

Female Leadership and Sustainability in Focus

Female leadership and sustainability will be the protagonists of the IV edition of the Business Days, which will take place on Friday, November 10th at the Municipal Auditorium of Herencia. These conferences, organized by the City Council in conjunction with the Local Council for Economic Promotion and Innovation, are aligned with the 2030 Agenda, addressing crucial challenges for the future

Quesera Herenciana Cofer shines at the World Cheese Awards with four bronze medals.

In the 35th edition of the prestigious World Cheese Awards competition, held this year in Trondheim, Norway, Quesera Herenciana Cofer has won four bronze medals, reaffirming its position as one of the best cheese producers worldwide. The World Cheese Awards, which brought together 4,502 cheeses from all over the world in this edition, is recognized as the most prestigious competition

The emblematic Mulberry Tree of the Water Wells in Herencia is suffering the ravages of rain.

Although rain is essential for life and ecosystem balance, it occasionally brings unwanted consequences. This past weekend, Herencia witnessed how severe weather can affect its emblematic corners. After a storm accompanied by intense winds, the historic Morera tree in the Pozos del Agua area has suffered visible damage, awakening nostalgia and concern within the community. This tree, with roots deeply

In English, it translates to: “Herencia dresses in green in commemoration of the International Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Day.”

Today is a significant date in Herencia, where the iconic windmills will be illuminated in green in honor of International Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Day, with the intention of shedding light and raising awareness about this rare disease that affects many people worldwide. In this special commemoration, the Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Association has organized the sports event “Run Like Hero,” which has chosen

Inheritance is getting ready for the X Agriculture and Livestock Conference.

From October 24th to 27th, the town of Herencia will become the epicenter of agriculture and livestock, celebrating the tenth edition of the Agriculture and Livestock Conference, an event that has established itself as an undisputed reference for the agri-food sector. These conferences are the result of the joint work of the Rural Development Department and the Local Agricultural Council,

Repairs are being carried out on 17 kilometers of roads in the municipality of Herencia.

The municipality of Herencia is in the process of improving its rural roads, thanks to a new Maintenance and Repair Plan that has recently been implemented. This initiative is the result of collaboration between the Herencia City Council and the Comsermancha Consortium, the latter being responsible for providing the essential machinery for these reforms. More than 17 kilometers of roads

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