Celebrate LGBTIQA+ Pride Day with Activities and Advocacy for Equality and Rights. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Celebrate LGBTIQA+ Pride Day with Activities and Advocacy for Equality and Rights.

Once again, Herencia joins the commemorations of the LGTBIQA+ Pride Day, reaffirming its commitment to diversity and equality. On Friday, June 28, the town will celebrate this day with a series of activities organized in collaboration with PLURAL and FELGTBI, focused on raising awareness and supporting the community.

Activities Program

Friday, June 21

– 20:00: Talk-discussion on sexual diversity in La Mancha at the Casino, with first-hand testimonies and debates on human rights.

Saturday, June 22

– 21:00: Institutional Event at Plaza de España, manifesto reading and flag hanging.
– Karmento Concert: Followed by a party with DJ Chus Nadal, celebrating under the motto ‘Martian-Manchego Pride’.

Aitor Gallego de la Sacristana, Councilor of Equality, has reiterated the authorities’ commitment to the fight for equality and the protection of rights and freedoms, inviting all residents to participate in the celebrations and support the cause.

Official Statements

“The authorities and institutions are guarantors of the effectiveness in the fight for equality, in the defense of coexistence, and in the protection of rights and freedoms. We join, once again, the desire to build a more just, plural, supportive, and respectful society of differences, whether based on sex, class or social status, ethnicity, orientation, or sexual identity,” expressed Councilor of Equality, Aitor Gallego de la Sacristana.

Invitation to the Community

The Herencia City Council invites all residents to join the celebrations and show their support for the LGTBIQA+ community, promoting a culture of respect and love in freedom. For more information, updates can be followed on the event’s social media channels.

An article published in the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). News diary at the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Herencia Celebra el Día del Orgullo LGTBIQA+ con Actividades y Reivindicaciones

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