Herencia City Council - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia City Council

Herencia Town Council has an official website where citizens can access a multitude of services related to the local council.

The website aims to inform citizens about who makes up the Town Council, as well as providing access to different documents such as Ordinances and Municipal Regulations. As well as information on Town Hall services and a window of possibilities for visitors. Although it is true that we still miss a lot more transparency with information and data.

Herencia Town Council Youtube TV Channel

Access to sections of Herencia Town Council online:

Find out more on the official website online.

Official website of Herencia Town Council (Ciudad Real)

Screenshot of the official website of the current Herencia Town Council (Ciudad Real).

Screenshot of the official website of the City Council of Herencia (Ciudad Real) in early 2016.
Screenshot of the official website of the City Council of Herencia (Ciudad Real) in early 2016.
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