Inauguration of two prominent exhibitions kicks off the Fair and Festivities 2023 in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Inauguration of two prominent exhibitions kicks off the Fair and Festivities 2023 in Herencia.

Herencia welcomed its 2023 Festival and Celebrations with the opening of two prestigious exhibitions that promise to delight art and culture lovers. The doors of the long-awaited photographic and sculptural exhibition by Jesús Chamusca were opened at the former Teleclub. Mayor Sergio García-Navas, accompanied by the rest of the Government Team, had the honor of inaugurating the exhibition alongside acclaimed artist Jesús Chamusca. The exhibition brings together a series of pieces that reflect the artist’s talent and unique vision, showcasing his passion for photography and sculpture. The inauguration of these two prominent exhibitions marks the beginning of the 2023 Festival and Celebrations of Herencia. Additionally, the XL National Painting Competition Jesús Madero was inaugurated at the Agustín Úbeda exhibition hall. This exhibition showcases the works of talented national artists and has become a reference in the world of pictorial art. Mayor Sergio García-Navas, accompanied once again by his team and the participating artists, toured the exhibition hall admiring the presented works. These magnificent pieces will be available to the public until October 1st. These two artistic events not only serve as the opening for the festivities in honor of the Holy Virgin of Mercedes but also highlight Herencia’s commitment to promoting culture and art. The local administration invites all citizens and visitors to enjoy these exhibitions and immerse themselves in the artistic universe they propose. Congratulations to all participants and involved artists!

Spanish post in Inauguración de dos destacadas exposiciones da inicio a la Feria y Fiestas 2023 de Herencia

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