The Equality department, thanks to the financing of the State Pact against Gender Violence, will install Violet and Rainbow Points on the days with the highest public attendance at the upcoming Carnival celebrations in Herencia.
The area councilor, Aitor Gallego de la Sacristana, stated that ‘this is a measure that seeks to raise awareness among the public about sexist violence, offering advice or even helping and accompanying victims of this type of aggression, providing them with the first attention and necessary services’.
These spaces, to be installed on Saturday, February 3rd in the ‘El Roce’ area coinciding with the Saturday of the Anxious (Sábado de Ansiosos), and on the nights of Friday, February 9 and Saturday, February 10 at the Carnival Palace, will have specialized technical personnel, who will be in coordination with local police officers and with posters in strategic points of the venue, to be considered safe areas. In addition, merchandising will be distributed, with the aim of raising awareness among the population about the importance of making these celebrations a safe place for everyone.
In this way, the commitment of the Government team is shown in the fight to achieve equality and promote respect through the different measures contemplated in the Local Equality Plan, among which actions such as this one or preventive workshops in Educational Centers stand out.
Violet Points are a response to the aggressions suffered by women in festive environments, and seek to raise awareness, prevent and enjoy the party under the respect towards women, free from harassment and sexist humiliation. With a similar purpose, Rainbow Points appear to denounce possible actions, comments or behaviors that attack people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex.

Spanish post in El Carnaval de Herencia contará con Puntos ‘Violeta-Arcoiris’ contra las agresiones sexuales y LGTBIQ-fóbicas