The Heritage Women's Center tackles Endometriosis in an informative talk. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Heritage Women’s Center tackles Endometriosis in an informative talk.

On October 27th, the Women’s Center of Herencia became a space for reflection and learning about one of the conditions that silently affects women exclusively: endometriosis. About 40 people came together to deepen their knowledge about this disease, whose causes are still unknown and for which, at the moment, there is no definitive curative treatment.

Despite being a condition that affects a considerable number of women worldwide, endometriosis, often called “the silent disease,” has remained in the shadows in terms of public awareness and diagnostic advances. Hence the importance of these types of talks and workshops that seek to enlighten and educate society on topics of medical relevance.

Doctors María Moreno – Cid and Ana Pascual, specialists in Gynecology and Obstetrics, shared their knowledge about this disease, offering a clear and understandable perspective for all attendees. During the session, not only the particularities of endometriosis were addressed, but also the therapeutic possibilities available and the research advances that are currently being made. In addition, advice and measures to prevent it were provided.

These types of encounters demonstrate the commitment of the Women’s Center of Herencia to the health and well-being of the community, providing valuable tools and information to better understand and confront diseases that exclusively affect the female gender. It is essential to continue promoting these spaces for dialogue and education to ensure a more informed and conscious society.

Spanish post in El Centro de la Mujer de Herencia aborda la Endometriosis en Charla informativa

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