Herencia enthusiastically celebrates Farmer and Rancher Day. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia enthusiastically celebrates Farmer and Rancher Day.

In a festive and tradition-filled atmosphere, the town of Herencia commemorated Farmer and Rancher Day on September 23rd with the emblematic Harvest Festival. The event, which attracts numerous attendees year after year, was marked by a series of activities that enrich the local culture and heritage. The festivities began in the Town Hall Courtyard, where awards were presented and a talk on the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) took place. The presenter of this exhibition was Gracia Canales Duque, the current Vice-Councilor for common agricultural policy and agri-environmental policy, who shed light on the changes and novelties of this essential policy for farmers and ranchers in the region. However, the heart of the celebration was experienced with the 10th Harvest Festival. The Folklore School of the Popular University showcased their talent in a performance that featured the instrumental ensemble of the Herencia Folklore Group. Wine-making traditions were present with the contest for the biggest grape cluster and the characteristic grape stomping, which evokes ancient wine-making practices. This gathering was attended by distinguished personalities, including the mayor Sergio García Navas, several councilors from the City Council, José Juan Zarco, the Director-General of Rural Development, and Amparo Bremard, the Provincial Delegate in the field of rural development. The grand finale was the traditional dances, which, accompanied by the tasting of typical gastronomic dishes from Herencia and associated with the grape harvest season, transformed this day into an unforgettable event. Undoubtedly, the Harvest Festival in Herencia is a clear example of how to keep traditions alive and celebrate the essence of a community. Herencia celebrates Farmer and Rancher Day with enthusiasm.

Spanish post in Herencia celebra con entusiasmo el Día del Agricultor y el Ganadero

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